Operations on bits (bitwise operations)
int pixel {102345}; // stores some pixel color value
to make darker by a factor of 2, we just need to halve each byte component - would need to use bitwise operations
Example: to change the way devices work, we may want to flip bits in a register
, sll
- shift right logical and shift left logical
Example (srl, sll):
srl $t1, $t0, 2 # shift 2 bits right
sll $s0, $s5, 3 # shift 3 bits left
- bits that "fall off" are discarded
- "empty" bits as a result are filled with zeroes
Example (c++):
int a,b;
b = a << 2;
b = a >> 1;
Example (shifting one position left):
0000 0011 = 3
0000 0110 = 6
0000 1100 = 12
0001 1000 = 24
each shift multiplies by 2
Example (shifting one position right):
1100 = 12
0110 = 6
0011 = 3
0001 = 1
each shift does int division by 2
Note: srl
and sll
are preferred to mult or div when using powers of 2, because they are much more simple (and efficient)
Other binary operations:
and | or | xor | |
symbol | & |
(pipe) | ^ |
0101 op 0110 |
0100 |
0111 |
0011 |
"pipe" above is |
(markdown table formatting makes it hard to write)
and $t4, $t3, $t1 # t4 = t3 & t1
andi $t4, $t3, 6 # t4 = t3 & 6
also, xori
and ori
operators exist.
Other things to do with bit operations:
- flip a specific bit
- set a specific bit
- clear a specific bit
- get a specific bit
When counting bits, we go right to left, counting from 0 to 31. (again, in this course we assume 32-bit word size.)
So for example, bit #2 of a number is the 4s place (in general, bit X is the
# s0 holds value. goto L1 if bit #2 is set.
addi $t0, $zero, 4 # create mask
and $t1, $s0, $t0 # apply mask to s0
bne $t1, $zero, L1 # goto L1 if bit was set
in this case the and
will zero out the value if bit #2 was not set and give the result of the mask if it is set, so the bne
will only jump if the bit was set.
(note: in above code, the addi and and could have been collapsed into a single andi
instruction, but was separated for pedagogical purposes.)
Example: set bits 4 and 6 in s0
# create mask - 01010000
addi $t0, $zero, 0x50 # create mask
or $s0, $s0, $t0 # apply mask
note - in above code, could have used
operator as well.
note - in the above code, we use 0x50 because this is the shorter hex version of 01010000. it is easy to convert - split into groups of 4 binary digits and convert each to hex. for example, 0101 is 5 and 0000 is 0, so we get 0x50.